This report presents administrative spending data for health isnruance3 carriers that collected more than $3 million in total health premiums form Minnesota residents in 2020 and 2021. The report includes a summary of high-level trends, findings, and detailed tables for each eligible Minnesota group purchaser on 14 categories of administrative spending. (June 2024)
This section provides an overview of the sources of health insurance coverage for Minnesotans, how the sources of coverage have changed over time, and variation in sources of private health insurance. (Last update: April 2024)
This section provides an overview of the market for employer-based health insurance in Minnesota, using pooled data from the Insurance Component of the federal Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. It includes information on variations in health insurance offer rates, employee eligibility, take-up rates, total premiums and employer/employee shares, and other enrollee cost sharing requirements. (Last update: April 2024)
This brief relies upon data from the MN APCD and methods developed by the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) to produce population-based estimates of spending, use, and prices for medical care and prescription drugs. (November 2023)
The Minnesota Legislature passed legislation in 2023 (Minnesota Statutes, section 62J.826) which requires hospitals and certain medical and dental practices to post standard charges on their websites. This fact sheet provides information on what types of practices are impacted, the effective dates, required file format and content, and where the information should be posted. (November 2023)
This section provides information on key enrollment and spending trends in publicly-financed health insurance programs that cover Minnesotans, including Medicare, Medical Assistance (Medicaid) and MinnesotaCare. (Last update: September 2023)
This section includes information on total health care spending in Minnesota, by sources and uses of funds. It also includes comparisons to national health care spending estimates. Finally, it includes information on trends in premiums and underlying costs in Minnesota's private health insurance market. (Last update: August 2023)
This Data Short Take provides information on the average number of unhealthy days Minnesotans reported from 2013 to 2021. Including both physically and mentally unhealthy days, this short take summarizes changes in health-related quality of life, and highlights select populations in Minnesota that report more unhealthy days. (April 2023)