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MDH Publications

MDH Publications

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This section provides an in-depth look at the rate of uninsurance in Minnesota and how it varies over time and by demographic characteristics of Minnesotans. Slides describe the makeup of the uninsured population by the demographic and employment characteristics and provide comparison to the population overall. Additionally, the slides look at the rates at which different populations of Minnesotans have forgone care due to costs. This section includes further a detailed look at uncompensated care provided by Minnesota community hospitals. (Last update: January 2025)

Chartbook Section 6 Supplemental Information (PDF)
January 2025

Detailed tables on health insurance coverage and forgone care across multiple demographics; these tables are shown graphically in section 6.

This brief relies upon data from the MN APCD and methods developed by the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) to produce population-based estimates of spending, prices, and utilization for medical care and prescription drugs. (December 2024)

Chartbook Section 8 provides an overview of trends related to health care providers and facilities. Section 8A focuses on hospitals and includes information on system capacity, utilization and financial trends, and uncompensated care. Supplemental information on hospital financial and utilization trends is available in Excel format on the MDH Health Economics Program Minnesota Health Care Markets website. (Last update: November 2024)

Chartbook Section 8 provides an overview of trends related to health care providers and facilities. Section 8B provides an overview of trends related to clinics, diagnostic imaging and freestanding outpatient surgical centers. It provides a summary of the number of primary care and specialty physicians per 1,000 people in different areas of the state as well as information on locations, utilization, and affiliation of clinics, diagnostic imaging and freestanding outpatient surgical centers. (Last update: November 2024)

This section provides an overview of the sources of health insurance coverage for Minnesotans, how the sources of coverage have changed over time, and variation in sources of private health insurance. (Last update: November 2024)

Key Trends for Minnesota Health Care Spending in 2021 (PDF)
November 2024

This issue brief provides estimates of health care spending for Minnesota residents in 2021. It also explores health care spending growth, how enrollment in types of coverage contributes to spending, and includes information on the drivers of spending. (October 2024)